Grass in Public Space
2020 - Today
What spaces attract attention? What spaces are intentionally ignored? What is the role of art in an urban environment? Those questions I asked myself while creating this public installation. Using real grass, I created a comforting space within a dead enirvonement. The installation became a living part of the urban landscape and developed over time.
It is an artwork that invities the viewer to become a part of it, leaving traces through interaction.
Grass in Public Space
2020 - Today
What spaces attract attention? What spaces are intentionally ignored? What is the role of art in an urban environment? Those questions I asked myself while creating this public installation. Using real grass, I created a comforting space within a dead enirvonement. The installation became a living part of the urban landscape and developed over time.
It is an artwork that invities the viewer to become a part of it, leaving traces through interaction.